Adoption Applications
Due to the increasing backlog of applicants, the SGS Team has taken the difficult decision to suspend new adoption applications.
SGS is run by a small team of volunteers. Every time an application is received a great deal of time is spent processing it. And that's before we get anywhere near rehoming a dog!
While we would like nothing more than to rehome even more dogs, we can't risk getting it wrong by rushing the process. To do so would be failing our dogs and our applicants.
We are asking potential new applicants to be patient and to check back regularly. Once we clear the long waiting list we will open applications again.
We MAY make exceptions for applicants with significant sighthound experience. If you fall into that category please email us
Thank you for your patience
The SGS Team
You may also wish to try the following organisations:
Royal Heart Greyhound Rescue: https://royalheartgreyhoundrescue.com/
Greyhound Awareness League (GAL): https://www.gal.org.uk/
Give a Greyhound a Home (GAGAH): https://www.gagah.co.uk/
Podencos in Need Scotland (PINS): https://pinspodencos.weebly.com/
Canine Campus Dog Rescue: https://www.facebook.com/caninecampusrescue/
Lurcher Link: https://www.lurcher-link.org/
Small Dog rescue Scotland: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Nonprofit-Organization/Small-Dog-Rescue-Scotland-398014007642196/
1 dog at a time: http://www.1dogatatimerescue.org
Nobody wants me : http://www.nobodywantsme.org
fife dog rescue: fife dog rescue and rehoming
Mrs Murray's cat and dog home: mrs murrays cat and dog home